If you have purchased a older version of one of our products, you can upgrade to the latest version for a small fee. We always notify registered users when functional upgrades to our software are released. You only need to order an upgrade here when there is a major new release (see below). Normally, you do not need the previous version of the product to be installed in order to install the upgrade. However, please see this forum post regarding Kith and Kin Pro databases.
Upgrade now
Upgrade policy
Version numbers are split into three parts, denoted by either A.B.C (eg. 2.1.1) or (in older versions) A.BC (eg. 2.11). The “A” digit is the major software version – when this changes it indicates a major new release which will be a chargeable upgrade. The “B” digit changes when there is a functional upgrade to the major version, for example when a new feature is added or a feature changes. The “C” digit indicates a bug-fix release.
For older versions of Kith and Kin Pro, Of that Ilk Pro and TreeDraw Standard there are patches available from the Downloads page.