I have a feature requests:
For TreeDraw importing pictures from a database (I am using TreeDraw Legacy edition):
when importing pictures there is this option:
allowing limiting the width and the height of the imported pictures. Since some pictures may be wider than heigher this ends up in smaller pictures e.g where both (married) individuals are shown. See this example for the setting of 100:
the height of one of these pictures is smaller than the other ones (marked with '??')
I would apreciate if there is an additional option when importing pictures which sets the height AND/OR the width so one could end with this:
So adding two options for width and height (two check boxes as well as two fields where user can input a value for the height/width) could work like follows:
- if user activates only width set to 100 all pictures are set to 100 width regardless of the height (keeping aspect ratio of the original picture)
- if user activates only height set to 100 all pictures are set to 100 height regardless of their width (keeping aspect ratio of the original picture)
- if user activates height AND width setting e.g width to 180 and height to 100 the image will be set to one of these values depending on which one is reached first (keeping aspect ratio of the original picture) - example: we have a picture at an aspect ratio of 3:5 (width:height) setting the values for width to 180 and height to 100 the picture will be imported at 100 height since this is the dimension reached first so the image will be 60 wide and 100 high. When importing another picture at aspect ratio of 2:1 the width would be 180 and the height 90
Feature request: picture import: height/width
Moderator: Nick Hunter