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error found when structure of dbase must be updated
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:23 am
by sdj
Recently when opening my databases I found the structure must be updated before being opened. I have made a copy as advised. But I cannot open the database as I get an error DBISAM Engine Error # 9217 Error reading from the table or backup file 'Repositories'
This occurs in 2 of my databases. The others were OK.
I'd be grateful for help to open these.
Many thanks
Sarah Jordan
Re: error found when structure of dbase must be updated
Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:43 am
by Nick Hunter
Please close down Kith and Kin Pro then copy the 3 Repositories files Repositories.blb, Repositories.dat and Repositories.idx from your backup folder back into the current database folder, overwriting the corrupt versions. Start up Kith and Kin Pro and it will notify you that it is going to update the database again - you don't need to do a backup this time. As soon as the update has finished, use "File | Database | Repair" to make sure that the Repositories table has not become corrupt again.
Re: error found when structure of dbase must be updated
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:13 am
by sdj
I'm sorry it had taken me so long to try this out but I finally felt up to try today. I copied the repository files from my back-up from 2015. That was the date I backed up all my databases for my external disk. I now get the error 8963 BLOB Block corrupt buffers in Table repositories and I note the files Repositories.blb and dat now have today's date and not the date of the file I copied from the backup. I also tried deleting the blb and dat files and copying across the 2011 files but the date changes to today's.). idx has the old backup file date of 2011. I did several back-ups in 2015 and all had the same repository files dated 2010 and 2011 so they must be OK.
Thank you
Re: error found when structure of dbase must be updated
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:22 am
by Nick Hunter
Is it the Date Modified which changes to today's date when you copy the files? If so, that is unusual behaviour and it may be that some other application is accessing the files, such as an anti-virus program.