Feature request: fixed space for layout of each person

TreeDraw Standard Edition and TreeDraw Legacy Edition; our genealogy charting software.

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Feature request: fixed space for layout of each person

Post by wbloos » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:36 pm

When importing data and generating a tree this tree is not aligned equal due to different text lenght (the red marks are all of different width)

Would it be possible to add an option within the layout

where the user can define a fixed width and height of each persons data (including a picture) so one would end with equal arranged trees? - OK I know this would end in a chaotic display if this area is defined too small or more than one picture is imported so the user needs to keep this area large enough so all informations can be displayed. This would end in nice equal aligned branches of the tree.
With the recent generated trees I have a lot of work to do to align parts of teh tree to get such a result.

I would also appreciate if the user is able to define where to place the pictures on import. In some cases it makes sense to place the pictures right, left or above the text


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