Forum guidelines

Forum guidelines and announcements.
*** New users - read here first ***

Moderator: Nick Hunter

Site Admin
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:28 pm
Location: SpanSoft, Scotland

Forum guidelines

Post by Forum_Admin » Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:22 pm

=== Guidelines for using our forums ===

All users can view and read messages in any forum.

To post requests for help or topics for discussion in the forums you must be a registered forum user. Click on "Register" at the top of the window to become registered.

New users will have their first post held for authorisation and it may take up to 48 hours before the post becomes visible in the forum.

Your messages are visible to all users of the forum and may be answered by SpanSoft staff or by other forum users.

Before posting a new message, please search the forums (using the Search option) to see if your question has already been answered. Latest messages are at the top of the list.

Click on the "New Topic" button to post a new message unrelated to any of the current messages.

To read a message already in a forum, simply click on the topic name. You can then reply to the message by clicking on the "Post Reply" button.

When entering new messages, please make the contents of the "Subject" field as useful as possible for the benefit of other users who may later search through the subject headings for help with a specific problem.

Please do not enter non-specific subjects such as "Help" or "Kith and Kin problem".

You do not need to fill in the subject when replying to an existing topic.

Do not post software serial numbers or registration keys. Such messages will be removed from the forum immediately and may result in a ban.

Please post in English only. If the moderator cannot verify the suitability of a topic/post then it will likely be deleted and may result in a ban.

Do not post email addresses - your own or anyone else's. Spam-bots are good at picking addresses out of forum messages.
