PDF Printer Drivers

The old version of our genealogy database program.

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PDF Printer Drivers

Post by donne » Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:37 pm

I noticed back in January there was a topic which included a discussion of the use of third-party PDF printer drivers to print out tree reports from KKPro. I have one called PDFCreator which I find generally satisfactory for most tasks, and I have been trying to use it to print out a tree on custom-sized 'virtual' paper in a banner format, say 10inches tall by up to 100inches long (the maximum custom size that PDFCreator appears to be 200inches). However, when I try to set KKPro to match these custom dimensions, it says that the 'right-hand margin' needs to be set to 'match the non-printing area of the paper', and suggests some huge number like 89 inches.

Is it possible to set up the PDF printer driver and KKPro to do what I want? I just want to create a file where I can scroll through the tree on the screen without having to jump between pages. PDFCreator/ KKPro work together if I stick to standard sized pages.

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Post by laschapas » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:39 pm

PDFCreator is still a Beta release product and has been for a long time. I have found an alternative PDF file creator program at www.foxitsoftware.com/downloads/ This is a try before you buy program that you can evaluate. The trial version adds a note at the top of the document. I have tried it. It will produce a PDF file of my whole tree layout 100 inches wide by 11 inches tall without any margin error messages. Give it a try.

John Wood

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Post by donne » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:17 am

Thanks for the tip about PDFCreator. I had found it mostly satisfactory, and of course it is free, but that isn't much good if doesn't work properly.

I visited the Foxit site, but I was a bit suspicious about the terms of the free trial (Trialpay?). Instead I downloaded the evaluation version of PDF X-change Lite from Tracker Software, since I already use their free PDF viewer which is very good. This does work with KKPro, for pages up to 129 inches long. Apart from the usual problem I seem to have with Print Preview in KKPro (the preview on the screen doesn't correspond with the printed page), a little bit of trial and error produced the result I was after.

Roger Donne
