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Tree area grid

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:27 am
by allanpeter
I would welcome an option in a future revision to display horizontal gridlines on the tree area (even to label them!). My tree area has got very cluttered, and I would appreciate some assistance in organising vertically within century (using marriage date as the reference point)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:46 am
by laschapas
Hi Allan

This topic was raised during the development of V3. I have shown copies of the comments below:-

Under the "Kith & Kin Pro V2 genealogy database" there is a topic "Kith and Kin Pro V3 in development"

Richard Johnson Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:02 pm Post subject: timeline grid:-

I thought of this idea last night and was wondering what you and the forum thought of it.

I know the tree field is very big and doesn't really direct where to place each family. I try to put all the parents a few inches above the kids and so on, but could there be a way to have a click on/off time line running vertically along the left side of the screen (one that moves where you do on the tree) that we could then position the marriage dates of the families within.

As part of this, maybe on the listing of the marriages in the family rectangle we have the marriage date as well. (I know you can right click for this info, but its not an option to the family rectangle to display) It would be great if K&K could then "snap to grid" the marriages in a timeline...then you could actually see the progression of the generations more clearly would then be another quick reference guide for when families started as well

All my families rectangles obviously move up as the generations go back in time, but sometimes you get 3-4 generations of young parents and at the same time 2-3 generations in another branch (older parents) but they are on corresponding horizontal planes when you look at corresponding grandparents one was married in 1940, the other 1899. I know this isn't a big deal, but I think it would be another great addition to a great program

any thoughts..I hope I explained it well enough

laschapas Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:21 pm Post subject:

8. As Richard Johnston suggested an option of a timeline type layer to show each decade would be useful. I have the "Snap to grid spacing" set to 100 pixels and position family rectangles on the same horizontal level based on the marriage date decade.

John Wood